Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ethiopian at Ethiopian

Last night I went out for Ethiopian food. I really like Ethiopian food, but I rarely get to eat it because a) it's communal and b) it's kind of an "occasion" food. I ate it a few times when I lived in DC, at the wonderful Meskerem in Adams Morgan. The last time I had it, the restaurant I went to was only so-so; it was small, the service was iffy and the food was a little too sharp for my taste. Last night's, however, was YUMMY. I confess I didn't eat too much, because I went with a group of people and I was too busy flirting with the cute-but-awkward hedge fund manager who was sitting across from me. But it was good. We ordered a combination of dishes that were an excellent balance of spicy and sour, and we sopped it all up with spongy injera. We also tried Ethiopian honey wine, which is sweet but still drier than I expected-- very, very good. I recommend.

Next time I go, I'll have to pay more attention. I promise.

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