Friday, August 31, 2007

Pie. And boys.

I am baking a pie.

I have never baked a two-crust pie before, and I have only attempted to make my own pie crust ONCE, and that was in... late 2000? 2001? That one was a disaster; I ran out of flour and used matzo meal to make up the difference. The pie was ok. The crust sucked.

This time, it's real crust (PLENTY of butter) and real pie. I was just kind of inspired; maybe it's the summer and all the fruit I've been eating, maybe it's the book I'm reading, maybe it's PMS and I just feel like baking. But I am baking a pie. It smells damn good right now, and I hope it doesn't explode all over itself.

It's a peach pie-- I love peaches, and I've had some excellent peaches this summer. I put some ginger and cinnamon in the filling so it will be nice and spicy. The crust is a very simple one I got on, and hopefully, it will work. I say hopefully-- I had a bitch of a time rolling the thing out, but that's mostly because I used a Grey Goose bottle from the freezer as a rolling pin.

I am nothing if not creative in a pinch. Call me MacGyver.

Anyway. The thing smells lovely. It's been a very nice day-- left work early (it was dead because most people took off for Labor Day already), shopped, ate lunch, made crust, made pie. Delicious.

* * *

In other food news... I had a very nice date with a very nice young man, and most of the conversation revolved around food. He let me "take" him (he ended up paying) to a barbecue place uptown, and he liked it. (He's from South Africa and lives in London-- this is not food he's accustomed to.) It's so nice to talk to someone about something that's such a major interest. My cousin Bruce married a really awesome woman named Lesley, and she once told me that she would never have married a man who didn't share her interest in food (as Bruce did). Food for thought.

* * *

I have discovered okra. Not fried, though. I bought some gorgeous okra at the Greenmarket the other day and I'm finding reasons to saute it in everything. Yummy.

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